
By Founders, for Founders – We work directly with DTC brands & operators to help grow your business.

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blenders eyewear

Case study tagline.



1–04 –
Life in A Forward Motion,
Camp Entourage Style.

scope of work

Campaign Strategy
Content Production
Art Direction
Color Grading
Social Activation


DTC + Fashion & Apparel




This was the first time Blenders Eyewear flew out 15 of their top athletes to San Diego for the entire week. This required a strategic agency-client partnership to emphasize each athletes’ role within the company. We worked closely with the in-house creative team to develop a cohesive campaign strategy, as well as content production and distribution of final deliverables.


Blenders Eyewear motto is “Life in Forward Motion, which symbolizes passion and progress. Keeping this in mind, it was only right to capture moments that perfectly match the brand.

CONTENT Strategy

Blenders Eyewear is a popular sunglasses brand based in San Diego, that offers stylish and affordable eyewear for men and women. In today's highly competitive digital world, our approach was simple – well-crafted content that hits their target demographic. By developing engaging and relevant content, we created a strong library of assets used by Blenders in-house marketing team to provide customers with a seamless and unified brand experience, regardless of which channel they use.

“Blenders has built up a 7+ year friendship and PartnerShip with MAKE WAves. WHen it comes content ideation, creation and distribution,  the team crushes it every time.

– CEO & Founder // Chase Fisher


Blenders Eyewear was at the forefront of social media, back in 2016. Their facebook ads gained traction no other company in the space was doing, with such a small creative team. We took this into consideration when ideating and developing marketing assets for their Omnichannel funnels. By sharing high-quality images and videos of their products, engaging with their followers, and collaborating with influencers, it’s safe to say Blenders Eyewear has built a loyal community of fans who are excited about the brand and its products.

big tagline here.

want to work with us?
